One of the pleasures of living on Trinity Church Road is a vicarious participation in the life and activities of the nearby churches. My flower garden is on the road and on most Sunday mornings as I am trimming, weeding, planting, I hear the first church bell calling folks to worship.  Passing friends, and neighbors on their way to church, toot their horn, slow down or stop for a quick chat. The chats are quite abbreviated as others in the cars that follow are eager to get to church on time. Quite early on Wednesday mornings I hear the church bells again for the mid-week Holy Communion service; like the Sunday bell it is comforting, dependable and inviting. I hear the church bells for weddings and if I am on the road see well-dressed family and friends and occasionally an elegant bride riding in a horse and carriage. The bells also toll for funerals, and we know when the person is well-known and has a large family when the parked cars stretch from Wilkinson Avenue to North Shore Road.

I moved to Luff-Along, # 36 Trinity Church Road almost 40 years ago and was immediately impressed by the beauty of the Holy Trinity Church setting. Driving by from the east or the north you are encouraged by the tight bend in the road to slow down and appreciate the churchyard. Viewed from Harrington Sound or the top of Mount Wyndham it is even more attractive, nestled in Trinity Bay with graves climbing the hill.

My best time of the year at Holy Trinity is attending the annual fair in February; it is THE social event of the Parish. It seems like the whole parish is at the fair, meeting old friends and finding a bargain. My favorite stall is run by Dr Walwyn Hughes, my old boss from Ag and Fish days. Walwyn propagates the most beautiful Bermuda roses. I have the pleasure of sharing roses with the family, particularly my grandchildren, they each have one planted. In my photo, you’ll see the plant stall team at the 2023 Trinity Church event, note Walwyn is seated on the left.