Bermuda Forts 1612–1957

Bermuda Forts 1612–1957


Author: Dr. Edward C. Harris

National Museum of Bermuda Press, 2013 (Second edition)

Price: $30

Since the beginning of settlement in 1612, the history of Bermuda and its fortification against attack have gone hand in hand. Bermuda Forts presents an unparalleled investigation of that history and the military structures that evolved with it. Replete with more than 400 colour and black-and-white illustrations, the book is the result of 15 years of archival and archaeological research–a must for everyone interested in the heritage of this remarkable island, and in the international legacy of British coastal defence work.

Product Specs:
Type: Hardcover
Size: 11.8 x 9.2 x 1.2 inches
Published: 2013 (Second edition)
ISBN: 0-921560-11-7
Pages: 358

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